* jQuery Popup Overlay
* @version 1.7.13
* @requires jQuery v1.7.1+
* @link http://vast-engineering.github.com/jquery-popup-overlay/
;(function ($) {
var $window = $(window);
var options = {};
var zindexvalues = [];
var lastclicked = [];
var scrollbarwidth;
var bodymarginright = null;
var opensuffix = '_open';
var closesuffix = '_close';
var visiblePopupsArray = [];
var transitionsupport = null;
var opentimer;
var iOS = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent);
var focusableElementsString = "a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]";
var methods = {
_init: function (el) {
var $el = $(el);
var options = $el.data('popupoptions');
lastclicked[el.id] = false;
zindexvalues[el.id] = 0;
if (!$el.data('popup-initialized')) {
$el.attr('data-popup-initialized', 'true');
if (options.autoopen) {
setTimeout(function() {
methods.show(el, 0);
}, 0);
_initonce: function (el) {
var $el = $(el);
var $body = $('body');
var $wrapper;
var options = $el.data('popupoptions');
var css;
bodymarginright = parseInt($body.css('margin-right'), 10);
transitionsupport = document.body.style.webkitTransition !== undefined ||
document.body.style.MozTransition !== undefined ||
document.body.style.msTransition !== undefined ||
document.body.style.OTransition !== undefined ||
document.body.style.transition !== undefined;
if (options.type == 'tooltip') {
options.background = false;
options.scrolllock = false;
if (options.backgroundactive) {
options.background = false;
options.blur = false;
options.scrolllock = false;
if (options.scrolllock) {
// Calculate the browser's scrollbar width dynamically
var parent;
var child;
if (typeof scrollbarwidth === 'undefined') {
parent = $('
child = parent.children();
scrollbarwidth = child.innerWidth() - child.height(99).innerWidth();
if (!$el.attr('id')) {
$el.attr('id', 'j-popup-' + parseInt((Math.random() * 100000000), 10));
if ((options.background) && (!$('#' + el.id + '_background').length)) {
var $background = $('#' + el.id + '_background');
opacity: 0,
visibility: 'hidden',
backgroundColor: options.color,
position: 'fixed',
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
if (options.setzindex && !options.autozindex) {
$background.css('z-index', '100000');
if (options.transition) {
$background.css('transition', options.transition);
$wrapper = $('#' + el.id + '_wrapper');
opacity: 0,
visibility: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute'
// Make div clickable in iOS
if (iOS) {
$wrapper.css('cursor', 'pointer');
if (options.type == 'overlay') {
opacity: 0,
visibility: 'hidden',
display: 'inline-block'
if (options.setzindex && !options.autozindex) {
$wrapper.css('z-index', '100001');
if (!options.outline) {
$el.css('outline', 'none');
if (options.transition) {
$el.css('transition', options.transition);
$wrapper.css('transition', options.transition);
// Hide popup content from screen readers initially
$el.attr('aria-hidden', true);
if (options.type == 'overlay') {
textAlign: 'left',
position: 'relative',
verticalAlign: 'middle'
css = {
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
top: 0,
left: 0,
textAlign: 'center'
css.position = 'absolute';
css.height = '0';
css.overflow = 'visible';
// CSS vertical align helper
display: 'inline-block',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
height: '100%'
// Add WAI ARIA role to announce dialog to screen readers
$el.attr('role', 'dialog');
var openelement = (options.openelement) ? options.openelement : ('.' + el.id + opensuffix);
$(openelement).each(function (i, item) {
$(item).attr('data-popup-ordinal', i);
if (!item.id) {
$(item).attr('id', 'open_' + parseInt((Math.random() * 100000000), 10));
// Set aria-labelledby (if aria-label or aria-labelledby is not set in html)
if (!($el.attr('aria-labelledby') || $el.attr('aria-label'))) {
$el.attr('aria-labelledby', $(openelement).attr('id'));
// Show and hide tooltips on hover
if(options.action == 'hover'){
options.keepfocus = false;
// Handler: mouseenter, focusin
$(openelement).on('mouseenter', function (event) {
methods.show(el, $(this).data('popup-ordinal'));
// Handler: mouseleave, focusout
$(openelement).on('mouseleave', function (event) {
} else {
// Handler: Show popup when clicked on `open` element
$(document).on('click', openelement, function (event) {
var ord = $(this).data('popup-ordinal');
setTimeout(function() { // setTimeout is to allow `close` method to finish (for issues with multiple tooltips)
methods.show(el, ord);
}, 0);
if (options.closebutton) {
if (options.detach) {
} else {
* Show method
* @param {object} el - popup instance DOM node
* @param {number} ordinal - order number of an `open` element
show: function (el, ordinal) {
var $el = $(el);
if ($el.data('popup-visible')) return;
// Initialize if not initialized. Required for: $('#popup').popup('show')
if (!$el.data('popup-initialized')) {
$el.attr('data-popup-initialized', 'true');
var $body = $('body');
var options = $el.data('popupoptions');
var $wrapper = $('#' + el.id + '_wrapper');
var $background = $('#' + el.id + '_background');
// `beforeopen` callback event
callback(el, ordinal, options.beforeopen);
// Remember last clicked place
lastclicked[el.id] = ordinal;
// Add popup id to visiblePopupsArray
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
// Calculating maximum z-index
if (options.autozindex) {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
var len = elements.length;
var maxzindex = 0;
for(var i=0; i 0) {
$('#' + el.id + '_background').css({
zIndex: (zindexvalues[el.id] + 1)
// Add z-index to the wrapper
if (zindexvalues[el.id] > 0) {
zIndex: (zindexvalues[el.id] + 2)
if (options.detach) {
} else {
opentimer = setTimeout(function() {
visibility: 'visible',
opacity: 1
$('html').addClass('popup_visible').addClass('popup_visible_' + el.id);
}, 20); // 20ms required for opening animation to occur in FF
// Disable background layer scrolling when popup is opened
if (options.scrolllock) {
$body.css('overflow', 'hidden');
if ($body.height() > $window.height()) {
$body.css('margin-right', bodymarginright + scrollbarwidth);
//calculates the vertical align
$window.height() - (
$el.get(0).offsetHeight +
parseInt($el.css('margin-top'), 10) +
parseInt($el.css('margin-bottom'), 10)
)/2 +'px'
'visibility': 'visible',
'opacity': 1
// Show background
if (options.background) {
'visibility': 'visible',
'opacity': options.opacity
// Fix IE8 issue with background not appearing
setTimeout(function() {
'opacity': options.opacity
}, 0);
$el.data('popup-visible', true);
// Position popup
methods.reposition(el, ordinal);
// Remember which element had focus before opening a popup
$el.data('focusedelementbeforepopup', document.activeElement);
// Handler: Keep focus inside dialog box
if (options.keepfocus) {
// Make holder div focusable
$el.attr('tabindex', -1);
// Focus popup or user specified element.
// Initial timeout of 50ms is set to give some time to popup to show after clicking on
// `open` element, and after animation is complete to prevent background scrolling.
setTimeout(function() {
if (options.focuselement === 'closebutton') {
$('#' + el.id + ' .' + el.id + closesuffix + ':first').focus();
} else if (options.focuselement) {
} else {
}, options.focusdelay);
// Hide main content from screen readers
$(options.pagecontainer).attr('aria-hidden', true);
// Reveal popup content to screen readers
$el.attr('aria-hidden', false);
callback(el, ordinal, options.onopen);
if (transitionsupport) {
$wrapper.one('transitionend', function() {
callback(el, ordinal, options.opentransitionend);
} else {
callback(el, ordinal, options.opentransitionend);
// Handler: Reposition tooltip when window is resized
if (options.type == 'tooltip') {
$(window).on('resize.' + el.id, function () {
methods.reposition(el, ordinal);
* Hide method
* @param object el - popup instance DOM node
* @param boolean outerClick - click on the outer content below popup
hide: function (el, outerClick) {
// Get index of popup ID inside of visiblePopupsArray
var popupIdIndex = $.inArray(el.id, visiblePopupsArray);
// If popup is not opened, ignore the rest of the function
if (popupIdIndex === -1) {
if(opentimer) clearTimeout(opentimer);
var $body = $('body');
var $el = $(el);
var options = $el.data('popupoptions');
var $wrapper = $('#' + el.id + '_wrapper');
var $background = $('#' + el.id + '_background');
$el.data('popup-visible', false);
if (visiblePopupsArray.length === 1) {
$('html').removeClass('popup_visible').removeClass('popup_visible_' + el.id);
} else {
if($('html').hasClass('popup_visible_' + el.id)) {
$('html').removeClass('popup_visible_' + el.id);
// Remove popup from the visiblePopupsArray
visiblePopupsArray.splice(popupIdIndex, 1);
if($wrapper.hasClass('popup_wrapper_visible')) {
// Focus back on saved element
if (options.keepfocus && !outerClick) {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($($el.data('focusedelementbeforepopup')).is(':visible')) {
}, 0);
// Hide popup
'visibility': 'hidden',
'opacity': 0
'visibility': 'hidden',
'opacity': 0
// Hide background
if (options.background) {
'visibility': 'hidden',
'opacity': 0
// Reveal main content to screen readers
$(options.pagecontainer).attr('aria-hidden', false);
// Hide popup content from screen readers
$el.attr('aria-hidden', true);
// `onclose` callback event
callback(el, lastclicked[el.id], options.onclose);
if (transitionsupport && $el.css('transition-duration') !== '0s') {
$el.one('transitionend', function(e) {
if (!($el.data('popup-visible'))) {
if (options.detach) {
} else {
// Re-enable scrolling of background layer
if (options.scrolllock) {
setTimeout(function() {
overflow: 'visible',
'margin-right': bodymarginright
}, 10); // 10ms added for CSS transition in Firefox which doesn't like overflow:auto
callback(el, lastclicked[el.id], options.closetransitionend);
} else {
if (options.detach) {
} else {
// Re-enable scrolling of background layer
if (options.scrolllock) {
setTimeout(function() {
overflow: 'visible',
'margin-right': bodymarginright
}, 10); // 10ms added for CSS transition in Firefox which doesn't like overflow:auto
callback(el, lastclicked[el.id], options.closetransitionend);
if (options.type == 'tooltip') {
$(window).off('resize.' + el.id);
* Toggle method
* @param {object} el - popup instance DOM node
* @param {number} ordinal - order number of an `open` element
toggle: function (el, ordinal) {
if ($(el).data('popup-visible')) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
methods.show(el, ordinal);
}, 0);
* Reposition method
* @param {object} el - popup instance DOM node
* @param {number} ordinal - order number of an `open` element
reposition: function (el, ordinal) {
var $el = $(el);
var options = $el.data('popupoptions');
var $wrapper = $('#' + el.id + '_wrapper');
var $background = $('#' + el.id + '_background');
ordinal = ordinal || 0;
// Tooltip type
if (options.type == 'tooltip') {
'position': 'absolute'
var $tooltipanchor;
if (options.tooltipanchor) {
$tooltipanchor = $(options.tooltipanchor);
} else if (options.openelement) {
$tooltipanchor = $(options.openelement).filter('[data-popup-ordinal="' + ordinal + '"]');
} else {
$tooltipanchor = $('.' + el.id + opensuffix + '[data-popup-ordinal="' + ordinal + '"]');
var linkOffset = $tooltipanchor.offset();
// Horizontal position for tooltip
if (options.horizontal == 'right') {
$wrapper.css('left', linkOffset.left + $tooltipanchor.outerWidth() + options.offsetleft);
} else if (options.horizontal == 'leftedge') {
$wrapper.css('left', linkOffset.left + $tooltipanchor.outerWidth() - $tooltipanchor.outerWidth() + options.offsetleft);
} else if (options.horizontal == 'left') {
$wrapper.css('right', $window.width() - linkOffset.left - options.offsetleft);
} else if (options.horizontal == 'rightedge') {
$wrapper.css('right', $window.width() - linkOffset.left - $tooltipanchor.outerWidth() - options.offsetleft);
} else {
$wrapper.css('left', linkOffset.left + ($tooltipanchor.outerWidth() / 2) - ($el.outerWidth() / 2) - parseFloat($el.css('marginLeft')) + options.offsetleft);
// Vertical position for tooltip
if (options.vertical == 'bottom') {
$wrapper.css('top', linkOffset.top + $tooltipanchor.outerHeight() + options.offsettop);
} else if (options.vertical == 'bottomedge') {
$wrapper.css('top', linkOffset.top + $tooltipanchor.outerHeight() - $el.outerHeight() + options.offsettop);
} else if (options.vertical == 'top') {
$wrapper.css('bottom', $window.height() - linkOffset.top - options.offsettop);
} else if (options.vertical == 'topedge') {
$wrapper.css('bottom', $window.height() - linkOffset.top - $el.outerHeight() - options.offsettop);
} else {
$wrapper.css('top', linkOffset.top + ($tooltipanchor.outerHeight() / 2) - ($el.outerHeight() / 2) - parseFloat($el.css('marginTop')) + options.offsettop);
// Overlay type
} else if (options.type == 'overlay') {
// Horizontal position for overlay
if (options.horizontal) {
$wrapper.css('text-align', options.horizontal);
} else {
$wrapper.css('text-align', 'center');
// Vertical position for overlay
if (options.vertical) {
$el.css('vertical-align', options.vertical);
} else {
$el.css('vertical-align', 'middle');
* Add-close-button method
* @param {object} el - popup instance DOM node
addclosebutton: function (el) {
var genericCloseButton;
if ($(el).data('popupoptions').closebuttonmarkup) {
genericCloseButton = $(options.closebuttonmarkup).addClass(el.id + '_close');
} else {
genericCloseButton = '';
if ($(el).data('popup-initialized')){
* Callback event calls
* @param {object} el - popup instance DOM node
* @param {number} ordinal - order number of an `open` element
* @param {function} func - callback function
var callback = function (el, ordinal, func) {
var options = $(el).data('popupoptions');
var openelement;
var elementclicked;
if (typeof options === 'undefined') return;
openelement = options.openelement ? options.openelement : ('.' + el.id + opensuffix);
elementclicked = $(openelement + '[data-popup-ordinal="' + ordinal + '"]');
if (typeof func == 'function') {
func.call($(el), el, elementclicked);
// Hide popup if ESC key is pressed
$(document).on('keydown', function (event) {
if(visiblePopupsArray.length) {
var elementId = visiblePopupsArray[visiblePopupsArray.length - 1];
var el = document.getElementById(elementId);
if ($(el).data('popupoptions').escape && event.keyCode == 27) {
// Hide popup on click
$(document).on('click', function (event) {
if(visiblePopupsArray.length) {
var elementId = visiblePopupsArray[visiblePopupsArray.length - 1];
var el = document.getElementById(elementId);
var closeButton = ($(el).data('popupoptions').closeelement) ? $(el).data('popupoptions').closeelement : ('.' + el.id + closesuffix);
// If Close button clicked
if ($(event.target).closest(closeButton).length) {
// If clicked outside of popup
if ($(el).data('popupoptions') && $(el).data('popupoptions').blur && !$(event.target).closest('#' + elementId).length && event.which !== 2 && $(event.target).is(':visible')) {
if ($(el).data('popupoptions').background) {
// If clicked on popup cover
// Older iOS/Safari will trigger a click on the elements below the cover,
// when tapping on the cover, so the default action needs to be prevented.
} else {
// If clicked on outer content
methods.hide(el, true);
// Keep keyboard focus inside of popup
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if(visiblePopupsArray.length && event.which == 9) {
// If tab or shift-tab pressed
var elementId = visiblePopupsArray[visiblePopupsArray.length - 1];
var el = document.getElementById(elementId);
// Get list of all children elements in given object
var popupItems = $(el).find('*');
// Get list of focusable items
var focusableItems = popupItems.filter(focusableElementsString).filter(':visible');
// Get currently focused item
var focusedItem = $(':focus');
// Get the number of focusable items
var numberOfFocusableItems = focusableItems.length;
// Get the index of the currently focused item
var focusedItemIndex = focusableItems.index(focusedItem);
// If popup doesn't contain focusable elements, focus popup itself
if (numberOfFocusableItems === 0) {
} else {
if (event.shiftKey) {
// Back tab
// If focused on first item and user preses back-tab, go to the last focusable item
if (focusedItemIndex === 0) {
focusableItems.get(numberOfFocusableItems - 1).focus();
} else {
// Forward tab
// If focused on the last item and user preses tab, go to the first focusable item
if (focusedItemIndex == numberOfFocusableItems - 1) {
* Plugin API
$.fn.popup = function (customoptions) {
return this.each(function () {
var $el = $(this);
if (typeof customoptions === 'object') { // e.g. $('#popup').popup({'color':'blue'})
var opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.popup.defaults, $el.data('popupoptions'), customoptions);
$el.data('popupoptions', opt);
options = $el.data('popupoptions');
} else if (typeof customoptions === 'string') { // e.g. $('#popup').popup('hide')
if (!($el.data('popupoptions'))) {
$el.data('popupoptions', $.fn.popup.defaults);
options = $el.data('popupoptions');
methods[customoptions].call(this, this);
} else { // e.g. $('#popup').popup()
if (!($el.data('popupoptions'))) {
$el.data('popupoptions', $.fn.popup.defaults);
options = $el.data('popupoptions');
$.fn.popup.defaults = {
type: 'overlay',
autoopen: false,
background: true,
backgroundactive: false,
color: 'black',
opacity: '0.5',
horizontal: 'center',
vertical: 'middle',
offsettop: 0,
offsetleft: 0,
escape: true,
blur: true,
setzindex: true,
autozindex: false,
scrolllock: false,
closebutton: false,
closebuttonmarkup: null,
keepfocus: true,
focuselement: null,
focusdelay: 50,
outline: false,
pagecontainer: null,
detach: false,
openelement: null,
closeelement: null,
transition: null,
tooltipanchor: null,
beforeopen: null,
onclose: null,
onopen: null,
opentransitionend: null,
closetransitionend: null